Committees & Board

WAMEDA members: Make good use of your personal talents — join a WAMEDA committee! We especially need more people on our Programming Committee and Library Committee.

Programming Committee

This committee plans WAMEDA’s activities for the year. The duties of the Programming Committee include planning:

  • The Annual Hafla
  • The Annual Members’ Showcase
  • The Swap Meet
  • The Winter Workshop
  • Any other special events during the year

If you can help, please contact Gerson Kuhr.
Pictured: Gerson Kuhr (The Fitness Pharaoh)
Photo courtesy of Nevin Boll

Library Committee

The duties of the Library Committee include:

Maintain and manage the materials in the WAMEDA Library, which include hundreds of videos, DVDs, CDs, tapes, books, & more.
Oversee lending Library materials to WAMEDA Members.
Sort and catalogue new materials and enter them into the Library database.
If you can give us a hand, please contact Joyce Jackson (Jamil Bient).

Pictured: WAMEDA Librarian Joyce Jackson (Jamil Bient)
Photo courtesy of Nevin Boll

Membership Committee

The duties of the Membership Committee are:

  • Actively recruit new members for WAMEDA. We would love to have a WAMEDA membership recruiter in every dance group! We need to build our membership so we can be the strong and effective organization we want to be.
  • Maintain the membership records.
  • Maintain & produce the Annual Membership Directory.
  • Maintain a listing of area members who are teachers & produce the Teacher Registry.
  • Maintain the email group list & send out periodic updates, announcements & reminders of WAMEDA events.

We would LOVE to have a membership recruiter in every dance group! If you are interested, please contact Shagoura.

Public Relations Committee

Publicize WAMEDA’s activities & Mid-Eastern dance news. Advertise WAMEDA and its activities to the dance community in order to help recruit new members.

Please contact Shagoura, who will pass on your request to the appropriate person.

Newsletter Committee

Duties of the committee: To produce and distribute the bi-monthly newsletter to WAMEDA members in good standing.

We would be delighted to have a newsletter correspondent in every troupe or studio to keep our newsletter up to date on who is dancing where, when new classes are starting, and information about local dancers.

We would also love to have YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS to the Newsletter: articles, ads, reviews, … whatever might be of interest to the dancing community.

If you’d like to help and/or contribute to the Newsletter, please contact Shagoura.
Pictured: Newsletter Editor Susannah Challis (Shagoura)
Photo courtesy of Nevin Boll